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One SONG can spark a moment
One FLOWER can wake the dream
One TREE can start a forest
One BIRD can herald spring
One SMILE begins a friendship
One HANDCLASP lifts a soul
One STAR can guide a ship at sea
One WORD can frame the goal
One VOTE can change a nation
One SUNBEAM lights a room
One LAUGH will conquer gloom
One STEP must start each journey
One WORD must start a prayer
One HOPE will raise our spirits
One TOUCH can show you care
One VOICE can speak with wisdom
One HEART can know what is true
One LIFE can make a difference.

~Author Unknown


Life is a great big canvas; throw all the paint you can at it.

~~Danny Kaye

Dog Quote of the Day

If you can't decide between a Shepherd, a Setter or a Poodle,
get them all....adopt a mutt!!!


Equine Quote of the Day

He knows when you're happy
He knows when you're comfortable
He knows when you're confident
And he ALWAYS knows when you have carrots